Haunted House Advertising Information Points

There are a lot of questions which go through one’s mind when it comes to the promotion and promotion of a haunted house. These are all legitimate questions when it comes to the promotion of a haunted house. The sad thing is, most haunts completely brush with them and just assume that individuals will appear no matter what. This might be true for a moment, but if a larger or better game comes to town, you might be finding yourself all alone in a really pricey spooky looking construction for a fantastic month. Each year, you want to take a peek at what’s happening in the marketplace around you and what people want and expect of your haunt.

Haunted House

When it comes to the issue of What You Need to promote in your haunt Radio commercial, the solution is quite simple. Make the message stick out. That is all there is too it. Far too often people miss the boat on this and create a crappy deal, air the commercial much too rarely and use a commercial which has little to no scare appeal in any respect. In regards to your client’s hot buttons… there are two large ones. Number one, they need to get scared. Number two, they need a fantastic value. You will need to hit these two on the head. The commercial message should convey precisely how scary your haunt is. You can do this with the Scariest haunted house in Ohio radio commercial as a means to tell a brief story of the haunt’s motif. Then hit them with what a terrific deal it is to see it! While everyone else is charging an arm and a leg to get in, you are offering two for you on Thursday or something of that nature. Make the offer great. The old 15 percent off trick won’t work and will only waste time. Go big, or do not make an offer whatsoever.

Follow these basic steps and you should have droves of people lining up and begging to be let into your haunt this season. Get working on the message early, because once the leaves begin to fall, you won’t have much time to concentrate on this critical portion of your haunted house advertising program. Last suggestion I would give would be to get a special room for small kids at the haunted attraction. Make this room a place children can play games, watch cartoons and get involved in non-scary activities. Make certain to market this play area on flyers and in ads. Families with young children are more likely to attend your haunted house when there is something for little kids to do other than go through the haunted house. Another thing to remember is to have fun while planning the haunt. If you like what you are doing, it will show on your final design. Have fun, be scary and make money for your favourite charity.